Delivering on the Sustainable Development Goals through Solutions at the Energy, Food and Finance Nexus

In an era of multiple crises including the COVID-19 pandemic, climate change, and the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the 2023 Asia-Pacific SDG Partnership Report – titled ‘Delivering on the Sustainable Development Goals through Solutions at the Energy, Food and Finance Nexus’ focuses on solutions at the nexus of the energy, food and finance sectors in the Asia-Pacific region that can accelerate progress towards the SDGs. Reflecting on the theme of the 10th Asia-Pacific Forum on Sustainable Development (APFSD), it aims to support regional dialogue, in preparation for the High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF) and to inform the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The report analyses the confluence of transitions needed in these three intertwined systems, highlighting good practices and examples from the Asia-Pacific region, and policy recommendations to leverage the opportunities that these solutions present to advance the SDGs in the region.
Click here to view the Report launch.
SDG Solutions Map
These over 90 solutions are the result of a collaborative effort by the SDG Partnership. Curated in conjunction with the 2023 SDG Partnership Report, these solutions represent a diverse range of examples and approaches, from different stakeholders, that address the complex challenges at the nexus of energy, food and finance in Asia and the Pacific.
From renewable energy initiatives to innovative agricultural practices and inclusive financial models, these solutions highlight the interconnected nature of the energy, food and finance sectors and showcase the collective commitment of regional, national and local actors towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.
Explore the map below to learn from countries in the Asia-Pacific region that have taken significant steps towards implementing solutions and adopting good practices in energy, food and finance sectors. These innovations are key to fostering a more sustainable and resilient future in the Asia-Pacific region and beyond. For more comprehensive insights, download the full report.
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